Monday, June 27, 2011

4th of July Craft: Exploding Fireworks Picture

This is just a simple picture that any age can do, with supervision for the younger ones, of course. But it's easy, fun, and always comes out looking really cute.

What You'll Need:
  • Black construction paper (you can cut one sheet in half, if you want to save paper, or if you have multiple kids working on the project)
  • Newspaper, a tray, or something to put underneath to prevent paint and glitter to go everywhere
  • White, blue, and/or red acrylic paint
  • Silver, blue, and/or red glitter
  • White chalk (optional)
  • Old body loofah, sponge, or even the child's hands
These are the body loofahs. They're only one option usually found in households for you to use.

What to Do:
  1. If you want, cut a sheet of black construction paper in half. This step doesn't need to be done, but can be if you're working with multiple children on this project and don't want to waste any paper.
  2. Set out the newspaper, tray, or whatever you choose to use to collect the excess paint and glitter.
  3. Set out the white, blue, and/or red paint in separate dishes. For the sample picture, I used all three colors. It's easy to use something like a paper or plastic plate, or a shallow dish so the sponge or loofah can get more paint on it.
  4. Have the child dip the loofah, sponge, or his hand in the paint and press it to the paper a few times to make the exploding fireworks.
  5. Wash the child's hand or hands immediately so they can apply the glitter. If your child is young, you can help him or her shake the glitter onto the wet paint so it sticks. Set aside to dry.
  6. Once the paint and picture is dry, you or your child can draw the lines to make it look like the fireworks are rising up into the sky and exploding. You or your child, depending on age, can also write "Fireworks" or his or her name on the bottom. And voila! A simple, cute fireworks picture!

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